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Quick Start

We strongly encourage you to look through the examples in example/simple examples directory. We provide three simple examples using the EDMD algorithm, the EDMDDL algorithm and the parametric Koopman learning algorithm.

Each example consists of a JSON file and a jupyter notebook. Let's consider the parametric Koopman learning algorithm as an example.

Training the Parametric Koopman Operator

As written in the notebook, the training process contains the following lines:

import PKoopmanDL as pkdl

config_file = "ParamKoopman.json"
tmp_func = lambda x: x
observable_func = pkdl.ObservableFunction(tmp_func, 2)
solver = pkdl.ParamKoopmanDLSolverWrapper(config_file)
K = solver.solve()
  • config_file: Specifies the JSON input file containing configuration parameters.
  • observable_func: Defines the observable functions and their output dim. In this example, we use a full-state observable function.
  • ParamKoopmanSolverWrapper: Takes the configuration file and setup the solver automatically.
  • K: Represents the learned parametric Koopman operator.

More information about the input files and the solvers can be found at Input Guide.

Generating the Trajectories

In our package, we treat the Koopman operator as a specialized transition function. Specifically, a Dictionary combined with a Koopman operator forms a discrete dynamical system:

\[ \Psi_{n+1} = \mathcal{K} \Psi_n. \]

A potentially tricky aspect is that when the full-state observable functions are included in the dictionary, the Koopman operator can be used to predict the state through the sequence

\[ x_n \rightarrow \Psi_n \xrightarrow{\mathcal{K}} \Psi_{n+1} \rightarrow x_{n+1}. \]

To facilitate this process, we have designed a dedicated class KoopmanDynamics. This class is designed to predict state trajectories starting from an initial state x0. To use it, simply create a KoopmanDynamics and call its traj method:

state_pos = [0, 1] # the position of the state in the observable function
state_dim = 2
koopman_dynamics = pkdl.KoopmanDynamics(K, solver.dictionary, state_pos, state_dim)
# the output is of the form (N, traj_len, number of state),
# where N is the number of different initial states
p = koopman_dynamics.traj(x0, param, solver.traj_len)